Washed in the Blood of the Lamb

Washed in the Blood of the Lamb, Figure & Portrait
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
I call all my paintings as Soulworks because they are all inspired by life lessons and realisations that helped me be a better version of myself. They are a direct connection to my Soul.
My Soulwork titled “Washed in the Blood of the Lamb” is inspired by the sacrificial blood of Christ when He gave His life over so that we who believe may live. I’ve used several symbolisms in order to deliver my message through this Soulwork. The first symbolism is the “lamb” which symbolizes Jesus Christ who’ve been like a sacrificial lamb when He died on the cross for us. The second symbolism is the “white blood” where the main figure and the lamb are partially submerged. This represents the blood of Christ that I chose to turn into colour white to symbolise His purity and holiness. The third symbolism is the “main figure” (a portrait of me) that symbolizes myself and the entire humanity. The figure is soaking wet including her hair that gives an impression that she has been under the “white blood” and symbolises that she has been baptised or declares that she is a follower of Christ; a public confession of her faith in, and commitment to, Jesus Christ. Her left arm raised above her head has a personal meaning to me because I’m a left-handed artist and this is what I used to create my Soulworks. Another symbolism is the “red blood” on the left hand. Blood is significant to God and in the Bible, we’re told that blood symbolically represents life. In my personal interpretation of the red blood, it symbolises my life purpose and that is to use the talent that God has gifted me to spread life lessons that I’ve learned through Him and share them to the people through my Soulworks. In general, the “red blood” symbolises the life that God has given us and it is in our hands to use it for a good purpose.

Being “washed in the blood” describes the act of one accepting the free gift of salvation offered in Jesus. In Revelation 1:5, we’re reminded we are freed from our sins by the blood of Christ. In 1 John 1:7, we’re told the blood of Jesus “purifies” us from all sin.

Jesus,(John 1:14) was perfect—entirely without sin. His blood shed on the cross became the full and complete payment, once and for all time, for the sins of all humanity. Just like in the Old Testament days, God required the regular sacrifice of a perfect, flawless animal to pay the price of the people’s sins, God recognises the sacrifice of Jesus. Only this time, as we are reminded in Hebrews 10:10, “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.”
This Soulwork was created to honour all the sacrifices and huge love of Christ for all of us. We’re a “new creation” through this washing, this cleansing, 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us. The last symbolism is the “emotional eyes” of the main figure trying to connect to you, whispering to your heart a wish that may we all be “washed in the blood” of Jesus.

Figure & Portrait    23.46 x 23.46 x 1